What can I do if I cannot access my NVR device through the VIVOCloud portal or mobile application?
VIVOCloud service allows you to remotely access your NVR/Camera videos remotely using the browser or application without the need opening ports or performing extra configurations. If you encounter any issues while using this service please be sure to check the following:
1. Check that you are using a compatible browser:
If you are trying to access the VIVOCloud webportal (, be sure to use the Firefox browser.
The VIVOCloud portal is only supported by this browser, if you use other browser you wont be able to access your NVR videos. You can find more information about browser compatibility in the VIVOCloud official webpage:
2. Check that the VIVOCloud service is enabled
Before using the VIVOCloud service you need to enable it, in order to do so please go to your ND device configuration, under System > VIVOCloud service and be sure that the service is enabled. There should be a green mark next to the blue button, if you don't see this mark you might need to click on the button to enable the service.
VIVOCloud service enabled:
VIVOCloud service disabled:
3. Check that the ND device was only added to one account:
Each ND device can only be registered to one VIVOCloud account, if you already added to another account and try it to add it into a new account you will find the following error:
If you want to delete the NVR from any other accounts because you want to add it to a new account you just need to disable the service in the configuration page and re-enable it, this will automatically remove the device from the original account. Please note that if the device was previously shared to another account it will also be removed.
4. Network and configuration check
The VIVOCloud service server is very strict with its data management so you need to be sure that everything is properly configured otherwise you might not be able to enable the function on the ND. Before enable the service please be sure to verify the following:
a) Time zone needs to match your access point time zone:
b) ND IP must be properly configured and the device internal network access point needs to have access to WAN.
c) Be sure that your NVR is up to date and is using the latest firmware available
If you don't know how to upgrade the device, feel free to check this documentation:
d) Be sure that the service main ports are accessible, if the main ports used for server communication are being blocked you wont be able to add the device to your VIVOCloud account. Here is a document that explains in detail which ports are used by the service.
If after following all the suggestions mentioned in this guide you are still unable to access your device using the VIVOCloud service please contact Technical Support for assistance.
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