How to use VIVOTEK Fisheye with Milestone?
For Milestone XProtect® Users:
A proprietary plug-in is available for users who install Fisheye cameras in a deployment managed by Milestone XPortect Corporate or Enterprise IP solutions. The plug-in enables image dewarp, pan, tilt, and zoom in/out over a video feed using a mouse or joystick.
A proprietary plug-in is available for users who install Fisheye cameras in a deployment managed by Milestone XProtect Express, Professional, Enterprise, Expert, or Corporate versions. The plug-in enables image dewarp, pan, tilt, and zoom in/out over a video feed using a mouse or joystick.
The plug-in applies to:
XProtect Professional/ XProtect Enterprise/ XProtect Expert/ XProtect Corporate / XProtect Express
The plug-in does not apply to:
XProtect Go/ XProtect Essential
Complete the following procedure as the prerequisites for installing Milestone's SmartClient and the plug-in:
1. Download VIVOTEK's fisheye plug-in from, for example:, Check on VIVOTEK's Fisheye cameras' download page for appropriate plug-ins (for x64 or x86 versions).
2. Install the NET framework 4.0 client profile. The .NET framework is essential for installing SmartClient.
3. Install the DirectX runtime (9.29.1974) and above. The DirectX runtime is also necessary to the plug-in for managing DirectX components.
4. Install the Milestone XProtect SmartClient 2014 9.0b or above (especially using plug-in v.
5. Unzip and execute the Fisheye Enhancer installer from a zip file:
By default, a sub-folder named MIPPlugins is available under the Milestone SmartClient 7.0 installation path. The default file path should look like the following: C:\<Milestone installation path>\XProtect Smart Client\MIPPlugins.

If you changed the SmartClient's installation path, use the Browse button to locate the MIP Plugins sub-folder.
6. Click Install to proceed with installation.
Prerequisites for Fisheye cameras:
To authenticate the use of the plug-in functionality, you must turn on a watermark on VIVOTEK's fisheye cameras:
1. Open a browser session with the camera.
Upgrade firmware to version 0100f or above.
2. Use the following URL command to turn the watermark on or off:
ON: http://<CAMERA_IP_ADDRESS>/cgi-bin/admin/setparam.cgi?videoin_c0_enablewatermark=1
OFF: http://<CAMERA_IP_ADDRESS>/cgi-bin/admin/setparam.cgi?videoin_c0_enablewatermark=0
To enable the plug-in:
1. Make sure your fisheye cameras have already been added as Hardware Devices in the XProtect Enterprise/Corporate server's Management Application.
2. Start the XProtect Smart Client.
3. On the Live view window, click on Setup
4. On the Setup window, search for the "VivotekFisheyeEnhancer" plug-in by dragging the pull-down menu on the System Overview pane to the bottom.
5. Click and drag the VivotekFisheyeEnhancer to a view cell. When done, the view cell will be highlighted by a light blue out frame.
6. Locate the Properties pane, and click on the Select Camera... button. An Item Picker window will prompt. Unfold the device tree and select a VIVOTEK fisheye camera.
7. Select appropriate camera Mount Type and Dewarp Type. Select the Overlay Camera Information checkbox to enable a camera ID caption on the view cell. The working theories of different dewarp types are illustrated below:
8. You can now click on the Setup button to return to the Live view or Playback window, and exert control on the view cell using a mouse or joystick. Click on a view cell, hold down the mouse button, and move your mouse around to change view angle. Use scroll wheel to zoom in or out. Shown below is the availability of Dewarp modes for different Mount types:
A proprietary plug-in is available for users who install Fisheye cameras in a deployment managed by Milestone XPortect Corporate or Enterprise IP solutions. The plug-in enables image dewarp, pan, tilt, and zoom in/out over a video feed using a mouse or joystick.
A proprietary plug-in is available for users who install Fisheye cameras in a deployment managed by Milestone XProtect Express, Professional, Enterprise, Expert, or Corporate versions. The plug-in enables image dewarp, pan, tilt, and zoom in/out over a video feed using a mouse or joystick.
The plug-in applies to:
XProtect Professional/ XProtect Enterprise/ XProtect Expert/ XProtect Corporate / XProtect Express
The plug-in does not apply to:
XProtect Go/ XProtect Essential
Complete the following procedure as the prerequisites for installing Milestone's SmartClient and the plug-in:
1. Download VIVOTEK's fisheye plug-in from, for example:, Check on VIVOTEK's Fisheye cameras' download page for appropriate plug-ins (for x64 or x86 versions).
2. Install the NET framework 4.0 client profile. The .NET framework is essential for installing SmartClient.
3. Install the DirectX runtime (9.29.1974) and above. The DirectX runtime is also necessary to the plug-in for managing DirectX components.
4. Install the Milestone XProtect SmartClient 2014 9.0b or above (especially using plug-in v.
5. Unzip and execute the Fisheye Enhancer installer from a zip file:
By default, a sub-folder named MIPPlugins is available under the Milestone SmartClient 7.0 installation path. The default file path should look like the following: C:\<Milestone installation path>\XProtect Smart Client\MIPPlugins.
If you changed the SmartClient's installation path, use the Browse button to locate the MIP Plugins sub-folder.
6. Click Install to proceed with installation.
Prerequisites for Fisheye cameras:
To authenticate the use of the plug-in functionality, you must turn on a watermark on VIVOTEK's fisheye cameras:
1. Open a browser session with the camera.
Upgrade firmware to version 0100f or above.
2. Use the following URL command to turn the watermark on or off:
ON: http://<CAMERA_IP_ADDRESS>/cgi-bin/admin/setparam.cgi?videoin_c0_enablewatermark=1
OFF: http://<CAMERA_IP_ADDRESS>/cgi-bin/admin/setparam.cgi?videoin_c0_enablewatermark=0
To enable the plug-in:
1. Make sure your fisheye cameras have already been added as Hardware Devices in the XProtect Enterprise/Corporate server's Management Application.
2. Start the XProtect Smart Client.
3. On the Live view window, click on Setup

4. On the Setup window, search for the "VivotekFisheyeEnhancer" plug-in by dragging the pull-down menu on the System Overview pane to the bottom.
5. Click and drag the VivotekFisheyeEnhancer to a view cell. When done, the view cell will be highlighted by a light blue out frame.
6. Locate the Properties pane, and click on the Select Camera... button. An Item Picker window will prompt. Unfold the device tree and select a VIVOTEK fisheye camera.
7. Select appropriate camera Mount Type and Dewarp Type. Select the Overlay Camera Information checkbox to enable a camera ID caption on the view cell. The working theories of different dewarp types are illustrated below:
8. You can now click on the Setup button to return to the Live view or Playback window, and exert control on the view cell using a mouse or joystick. Click on a view cell, hold down the mouse button, and move your mouse around to change view angle. Use scroll wheel to zoom in or out. Shown below is the availability of Dewarp modes for different Mount types:
Dewarp mode \ Mount type | Wall | Ceiling | Floor |
Rectilinear | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Full Panorama | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Double Panorama | N/A | Yes | Yes |
None (Original Circular) | Yes | Yes | Yes |
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