How to manually install VIVOTEK ActiveX web plugin using to show video feedback in Edge IE mode
VIVOTEK older 8000 series cameras formerly were only compatible with IE browsers and used an ActiveX plugin in order to visualize H.264 videos. The reason it required an ActiveX plugin is because this codec is not supported natively by web browsers so it will decode the video and render it to a format that can be displayed in the browser.
This plugin usually was installed once the camera was accessed using the Internet Explorer, but now that the application is not supported by Windows and was completely replaced by Edge you might need to manually install it, to do that please follow the next steps:
Step 1. Download the latest plugin from the folder "software" in our FTP server - hostname, account/password for users: fae/fae.
If you have no idea how to access our FTP server, you can find an FTP client on the internet and install it on your PC to type our FTP server's hostname, account, and password to connect to our FTP server.
Step 2. Export the files and run the VVTK_Plugin_Installer.exe file.
Step 3. Access the following folder to verify if the application was properly installed:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Camera Stream Controller.
Inside the installation file you should be able to see the following files:
Step 4. Access the camera using the Edge browser. Be sure to enable the IE mode visualization, otherwise the browser will not load the ActiveX plugin.
If you don't know how to enable the IE mode in the Edge browser, you can refer to the following documentation:
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