What is the URL used to change the status of the digital output in the camera?
In order to change the DO status of your VIVOTEK device using a URL, you will need to use the following CGI command:
Turning Digital Output ON
http://<Camera IP>/cgi-bin/dido/setdo.cgi?do<DO Port Number>=1
Turning Digital Output OFF
http://<Camera IP>/cgi-bin/dido/setdo.cgi?do<DO Port Number>=0
Where <DO Port Number> is the digital port you are trying to control. For example, if the camera you are using have two DO ports (DO1 and DO2) as shown in the following image.
You will need to change this value accordingly to control the proper port. In this situation the port value for the DO1 will be '0' and the port value for the DO2 will be '1'.
DO1 Command (Turning ON):
http://<Camera IP>/cgi-bin/dido/setdo.cgi?do0=1
DO2 Command (Turning ON)
http://<Camera IP>/cgi-bin/dido/setdo.cgi?do1=1
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