We are announcing that Safe100.net server for DDNS will not accept any new device registrations from NVR firmware 4.2.x.x. With this retirement plan, the full service will be closed down by the end of 2023 and already registered devices will continue to work until that closing date.
What does close down mean?
This means that from NVR firmware 4.2.x.x, customers will be unable to register new devices from Safe100.net for DDNS on VIVOTEK devices. All services will be closed down by December 31, 2023 and registered devices will continue to work until the closing date, December 31, 2023.
What can I do for my current devices now?
1. Check if your devices are using Safe100.net for DDNS.
2. If your devices are using Safe100.net for DDNS service, you have to register Dynamic DNS from Dyndns website (https://account.dyn.com/). After obtaining a host name, user name and password information from Dyndns, setup the configuration on VIVOTEK devices.
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