Sometimes we want to use HTTP command to trigger event.
How to use one HTTP command to trigger camera event every time?
How to use one HTTP command to trigger camera event every time?
In our event setting, there is a trigger type called "Manual triggers", as shown below:

Every time when manual trigger is turned on, the event will be triggered.
The HTTP command for manual tirgger:
http://<camera IP>/cgi-bin/admin/setvi.cgi?viX=1(time)0
Below example means turn on 2nd manual trigger 3s and then turn it off, so we could use one command to trigger camera event every time.

Every time when manual trigger is turned on, the event will be triggered.
The HTTP command for manual tirgger:
http://<camera IP>/cgi-bin/admin/setvi.cgi?viX=1(time)0
Below example means turn on 2nd manual trigger 3s and then turn it off, so we could use one command to trigger camera event every time.
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